Dynamic Pedestrian Systems in Houdini with VEX - Houdini Course
Hello Everyone,
I present my Houdini course called "Dynamic Pedestrian Systems in Houdini with VEX". we will use Houdini's VEX language to create a system that not just works on a single junction, but an entire block or even bigger areas.
we will create all our logics using VEX. we will try to realistically simulate pedestrians behaviors. Also pedestrians don't just move in straight lines, but will dynamically change path, based on conditions at traffic junctions.
We will also create what i call a circular system, it will be self sustaining , where the crowd will stay within the boundry of the area and will basically continue on it path forever just keep on going around the city.
Entire system hip file is available for download now.
Note: I have uploaded a new hip file, this is more optimized and i craeted wthis while recording the tutorial. This better than the older hip file
Currently Online videos:
01_Layout - 13:39
02_Signal_Logic - 13:00
03_Pathways - 13:37
04_Agent_Creation - 11:04
05_Crowd setup and previous frame calculations - 28:37
06_Calculate vertical and horizontal attributes - 06:37
07_Stop and Start - 22:53
08_Interchange Paths - 25:09
09_Make them run - 23:14
10_Interachange other Lanes - 07:15
11_Finding bugs and fixing - 10:34
Links used in course.
1. https://www.openstreetmap.org/export#map=16/40.7158/-73.8437
visit vexel fx website for more tutorials.
Tutorial Video Files and Hip Files